Friday, March 26, 2010

Easter Center Piece Thats Fun, Pretty & Practical....Good Stuff!

As long as I can remember, Easter has been steeped in many family traditions.  Decorating Easter Eggs was and is always a big deal.  One of our funny traditions was my Father trying to make the perfect black egg.  It was one of the family traditions passed to him as a child.  This year I decided to try a new way to decorate for Easter/Spring and make a show case center piece to display decorated eggs.  I took 3 plastic plant liners and filled them with potting soil.  I then planted the quick sprouting grass seeds in each in 3 very thick layers.   Follow the directions for the seed and in just 3 or 4 days your container will look like the one above. I like to use clear ones so that my 4 1/2 year old can see the seeds sprout and the grass and roots grow.  All a part of God's miracle.  Once it is full of grass and just about a day before your egg decorating, you may want to trip your grass so that it is about 2" in height.  It is a great way to decorate for spring and for Easter and to display all those eggs :-)  I already have mine on my table and have a few decorations in them getting ready for the big day.  

Just imagine putting one of these in a white wicker basket with your eggs or other decorations.  How cute!  If you give this a try, and I hope you will, please send me your ideas.  I would love to see how you take this idea and run with it.  Best of all, once Easter is over, you can plant this in your yard's bare areas or compost.  Completely natural and THAT'S GOOD STUFF!  That's why Cindy selects this as the best decoration idea for this Easter.  God bless.

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